For sure you'll find the most beautiful flower creations at Local Florist

Simply send flowers from a local florist

Many local florists have created a page on Lokaler Florist so that you can order a beautiful bouquet online too. It works almost the same as it does in the store. Home delivery in just 3 steps!

Choose bouquet

Order your unique bouquet online.

Choose bouquet

Your florist will start creating for you.

The specialists at your florist will get to work with your wishes.

Your florist will start creating for you.

Ready for delivery of pickup.

Delivery or collection in the shop, your florist will take care of it personally.

Ready for delivery of pickup.

  • Send flowers online
  • Unique creations
  • Delivery and pickup

The local hero makes the difference

Through Local Florist will you find a florist nearby that suits the best. Order easy online and be sure that you'll receive a unique bunch of flowers which is created by a real artist.

Send flowers

No time to show up at a store, or do you order flowers for someone in another city? Send an extensive range of bouquets for every occasion throughout Germany.

Send flowers - Lokaler Florist

Online, but still custom

Der lokale Florist erstellt Ihren Strauß speziell für Sie. So erhalten Sie die beste Qualität mit einer flinken Dosis Kreativität. Kein Blumenstrauß ist wie der andere.

Die Fotos im Webshop geben Ihnen einen Eindruck von der Form und Größe. Selbstverständlich können Sie bei der Bestellung spezielle Wünsche wie Farbe, Blumensorte und Größe angeben.

image - florist Rosegarden

I am able to be free and creative through Local Florist. No bouquet is equal. That's nice to me, but also to the customer who always receives a unique creation!

May I help you by creating a unique bouquet or do you like to be inspired by some examples?

Find a florist


We want to inspire you, tell you about current and upcoming trends, share valuable tips and knowledge with you; will you join us on a journey into the colorful world of floristry?! (Note: Blogs are only available in German)

To the blogs


